If you own a PC and a modem, there's everything you need on this month's cover disc to set you surfing the Internet. For FREE...
Take a few moments to install the software and the Internet is but a click away. There's no time limit on this offer, but you should be aware that the password may change in the future. The up-to-date password can be found every month in CD>ROM Magazine. Under no circumstances will it be given out over the phone.
If you haven't already set up the software, or if you're having problems, read this file carefully - you may want to print it out so that you can read through whilst you are setting up.
Put the cover disc in your CD-ROM drive, then from the DOS prompt, log on to your CD drive (normally D:). In the root directory of the cover disc there is a file called NET.BAT. Run this and the program creates a directory called \NETSCAPE on your C: drive, copies the files you need from the CD and then decompresses them. (If you want to keep your system tidy, you'll be pleased to know that everything goes into the newly-created \NETSCAPE directory, except for a file called NETSCAPE.INI which is moved into your C:\WINDOWS directory.)
Note: If you want the files copied to a hard disk other than drive C:, you'll need to edit NET.BAT manually - it's pretty obvious what needs changing. However, encounter any problems and the helpful people at Atlas are waiting on 0171 312 0401 to help talk you through any problems. Please, whatever you do, don't ring our normal disc hotline for Internet enquiries.
Once you've got all the files across, you might like to have a look inside the readme and license files, if that's the kind of person you are. Otherwise, it's time to move swiftly on to Windows and complete the installation.
Launch Windows and from the Program Manager File menu, click Run and type D:\ATLAS\SETUP.EXE (where D: is the letter of your CD drive).
Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the Windows set-up. You'll have to maximise Program Manager once the set-up program has done its stuff. Program Manager full-screen again? Good. Time to add the browsing tool - NETSCAPE, to the CHAMELEON SAMPLER program group that has been created for you on the Windows desktop.
To do this, make sure the CHAMELEON SAMPLER group is active, then Click on File, then New, and then click the Program Item button, then click the OK button. A dialog box appears on screen. Type NETSCAPE into the Description box; C:\NETSCAPE\NETSCAPE.EXE into the Command Line box; and C\:NETSCAPE into the Working Directory box before you click OK. We suggest you leave the default None in the Shortcut Key box, and leave the Run Minimized box unchecked. An icon will appear in your program group with the name NETSCAPE under it. Now you need to make a tidy exit from Windows, reboot your computer (and it's important that you do actually reboot here) and then get back into Windows again.
Time for a reminder! If you have any problems with the Internet software, call Atlas on 0171 312 0401 - they'll be more than happy to help. Please DO NOT ring CD>ROM Magazine or the CD>ROM Interactive disc helpline - thanks! Anyway, on with the show.....
Once you've rebooted, restart Windows and go to the CHAMELEON SAMPLER group. The first program is called CUSTOM and this must be set-up and run to access the Net. If you've installed the software from this disc, there is no need to change any settings - you can skip to Step Four.
If you've installed a version of the software from a disc before Issue 10 (April 1995) you will need to perform the following changes to the CUSTOM program in order for the software to work. This is because Atlas has upgraded its Internet server. Alternatively, you can re-install the software from this disc.
Okay, for those of you who have previously installed the Internet software, here's how to change the configuration to get you on-line. Please follow these instructions carefully!!
i. Delete the PPP interface from the Interface menu of CUSTOM. Now use the Add option to create a CSLIP interface. We suggest that you leave the Name field as it is - CSLIP0.
ii. In the Setup menu, configure the IP Address to be, the Host Name to a word of your choice (this is the nickname for your computer) and the Domain as atlas.co.uk (in lowercase). Configure the Port and Modem according to your system set-up, then make sure that the Dial number is 01714650355. The Login word should be cdrommagpc (also lowercase). You now need to enter the Password, which you'll find in the disc pages of this month's CD>ROM Magazine. The Startup Command should be HELLO.
NOTE: The Port and Modem settings vary according to your setup - please consult your modem manual. If you're not sure which settings to use, select Hayes - this will work with most modems, and set the speed to 19200.
iii. In the Services menu, go to Domain Servers and change the IP address in the top row to If you wish, you can also add a secondary domain server on the second line: At this point go to the File menu and Save the changes.
iv. The last stage is to check, and if necessary edit, the SLIP.INI, which is in the C:\NETMANAG directory. Go to end and you should find a section called [CSLIP0] (take into account that this section will be named differently if you changed the Name field in step i. of this section)
If you do not have the relevant section - create it! It should look like this:
SCRIPT=login: $1$u$r word: $1$p$r -i
If it doesn't, use NOTEPAD (supplied with Windows) to edit it. When finished go to File menu and select Save.
You are now ready to logon to the system. Run CUSTOM, select the Setup menu and click on Log - this will inform of you any problems with your net activities, and generally helps the software work on the maximum possible number of systems.
Now click on Connect and your modem should dial into Atlas. The Log window should show something like this:
Welcome to Atlas Internet
Our full service has been resumed on our normal domain server -, and mail is working normally.
beavis login:cdrommagpc
Packet mode enabled for IP address:
If the program has got this far, the word Connect on the menu bar of CUSTOM should change to Disconnect. You're now on the Internet!!! If there is a problem, we suggest you run through Step Three again, making sure that you're entered everything correctly. Still got problems at this point? Sorry, but you'll have to ring Atlas on 0171 312 0401.
We can't possibly tell you everything there is to know regarding the Internet here - although we will be running various features in CD>ROM Magazine. We suggest a good place to start is with the World Wide Web. A browser has been provided, so once on-line, simply double-click on the NETSCAPE icon (in the CHAMELEON SAMPLER program group) to get going. You'll be taken to Atlas's home page on the World Wide Web. CD>ROM Magazine On-line and the rest of the world, is just a click away....
NOTE: If NETSCAPE reports an Unable to locate host' error please refer to the Don't Panic' section at the end of this file.
Remember, you can't receive E-mail with the account provided, but you can send! Why not drop us a line at feedback@atlas.co.uk - we're keen to get your comments on the service and the magazine in general. The easiest way to do this is to go to our Web page, which is accessible from Atlas's home page (the first one you'll see when on-line). You should find a hi-lighted option, which you can simply click on to type and send us a message.
By the way, you don't actually log off from the Net (put the phone down) until you tell CUSTOM to Disconnect. Just thought we'd tell you!
Once again, if you have any problems, or if you would like to subscribe for a full Internet account (including E-mail) call Atlas on 0171 312 0401. Good luck and happy surfing. :-)
If you're getting an Unable to locate host' from NETSCAPE, please read the following.
Firstly move your mouse pointer to the end of the line near the top of the screen which says http://athena.atlas.co.uk' and press Enter, or click on the Home icon near the top-left of the screen. If you still get the message after a couple of attempts, you should check the SLIP.INI file as outlined in Step Three part iv.
If this is setup correctly and you still have problems, you should run PING in the CHAMELEON SAMPLER program group -- this performs a simple connection test. (Make sure that you're running CUSTOM and that you're on-line. Remember: the file menu at the top should have the word Disconnect second from right - if it doesn't then CUSTOM has not connected you and you need to try again by clicking on the word Connect).
The second menu option of PING should say Start (if it says Stop then click on it). Click on Start and enter PING then tests the connection from your modem to the server. If you get a message 0 bytes received' or if the access time is very long (keeping in mind that this can vary widely), you should contact Atlas on 0171 312 0401.
If the PING test is successful (and NETSCAPE still reports the Unable to locate host' error), then the problem may be solved fairly easily. In short the V42bis compression of some modems conflicts with the PPP and SLIP protocols used on the Internet - you must therefore turn the V42bis compression of your modem off. This should be explained in your modem manual, but you can try the following.
Firstly close CUSTOM, PING, NETSCAPE and all other communication-related programs. Now open TERMINAL as supplied with Windows. (Type a word and it should be displayed on screen. If it isn't, click on Communications from the Settings menu, and check that the configuration is correct - notably the COM port and the modem speed. If you still can't type anything on screen, simply re-set you modem. Okay, now you should be able to type on-screen. Press Enter to start a new line -you'll get an error message, which you can ignore).
You now need to enter the commands to change the settings of your modem. Try the following commands, pressing the Enter key after each line:
AT&F UK modems only, returns the modem to default settings
ATK0 Turns V42bis off
AT&W Writes change to modem
ATZ Resets modem
Now close TERMINAL (save the settings if you want) and re-start CUSTOM. If NETSCAPE still reports the Unable to locate host' error once on-line, it's time to call Atlas we're afraid. The number? You should know it by now - it's 0171 312 0401.